Thursday, 16 June 2011

Stippling Of Matt Tuck

The picture above is a stippling of Matt Tuck. After drawing  him using the instructions of the previous blog, we  had to stipple our work using a gel inked pen or a technical drawing pen. The dark areas were stippled heavily using multiple dots to cover the white areas. The more dots, the darker the effect. The work above took about eight hours to complete, and it still supposed to have more dots. This was really stressful because I was unaware that I was to do this because  I was absent when this was given.

Drawing of Matt Tuck

This picture of Matt Tuck wasn't my best work. I do apologize for the low quality due to my light  shading. The directions that I am about to give may somewhat differ from what really had to be done, mainly because i was absent this Art class First of all, grids were drawn on a blank 14x17 page using a ruler. Then grids were drawn to scale on a printed picture; mines being lead singer of the band Bullet for my Valentine, Matt Tuck. Then, I simply drew everything I saw in each box of the printed picture. The proportion of Matt Tuck in this drawing was way off, unfortunately. Carrying this picture to be graded knowing that it wasn't looking like Matt Tuck was torture, but i did it last minute so i couldn't do it over.

Monday, 13 June 2011


Today we were requested to make a collage. Various items were used such as grated crayons for the forest, fake leaves for the mountain side, cardboard for the tree trunks and the rock in the river, kite paper for the grass, stuffing from stuffed from toys for the clouds and tape to make a glossy effect on the river. Paint was used to fill blank spaces.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Drawing of a Leaf

In Visual Arts class we had to draw a leaf using oil or chalk pastels. Only three colors were allowed, and they were the primary colors: yellow, red and blue. The paper was first sandpapered. The leaf was then measured using fingers and pencils, but no rulers. The measurements were then marked  and the outline was drawn. The outlines were then completely filled with yellow. Red was used lightly for the vainy aspect of the leaf and then red was lightly applied to the rest of the leaf. Blue was then used for darkly shaded areas and again lightly applied to the entire leaf. Yellow was applied to the entire leaf once more for a brown look. An eraser was then used for  cleaning around the leaf.  This class was fun and what we had to do was well demonstrated. 

Drawing of an Apple

In  Visual Arts class, we were requested to bring a fruit, so that we may draw it. 2b 4b and 6b  pencils were required,     there fore we focused on tonal value. We learned various techniques, such as:

1. Softening: The application of an eraser to your work to lower its shading. This was mostly used to the right on the fruit which was lightest.
2. Wrapping: A shading or tonal effect by drawing parallel lines in different directions. The closer these lines are, the darker the effect.        

3. Blending: Moving from dark to light by applying pressure from light to heavy or heavy to light. An eraser may also be used.

 The value chart were demonstrated various times. The apple was first measure using fingers and pencils but no rulers. The left side was darkest, so the techniques above were applied. The class was most enjoyable, although most people didn't quite understand the techniques.